English translation for "notre dame cathedral"
- 巴黎圣母院
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | At the notre dame cathedral in avignon , france 在法国阿维尼翁市的巴黎圣母院 | | 2. | There are also new great wonders to be aware of , such as notre dame cathedral , hollywood , broadway , and rock and roll 同时万家也会注意到新增添的奇迹,比如巴黎圣母院,好莱坞,百老汇和摇滚乐。 | | 3. | At notre dame cathedral in paris , napoleon bonaparte is crowned as the first emperor of france in a thousand years 1804年,在巴黎的天后大教堂,作为一千年来法兰西第一个皇帝的拿破仑?波拿巴被加冕授冠。 | | 4. | Replicas can be found in thousands of churches throughout the world , including notre dame cathedral in paris , and numerous parishes bear her name 在世界的数千个教堂里都可以找到复制品,包括巴黎圣母院,还有众多教区都带来她的名字。 | | 5. | The cathedral is the most impressive example of the gothic style , characterized by pointed arches and flying butresses . notre dame cathedral was seminal in the evolution of the french gothic style 代表作品有法国的巴黎圣母院、德国的科隆教堂、英国的林肯教堂、意大利的米兰教堂等。 | | 6. | Continental or buffet breakfast daily . half day sightseeing : enjoy views of arc de triomphe , louvre , eiffel tower , champs elyses and notre dame cathedral on the ile de la cit 包巴黎市区游两小时,含游览车中文解说,坐车参观巴黎主要景点:圣母院凯旋门塞纳河巴黎铁塔罗浮宫等等。 | | 7. | " a third of patients get better immediately , a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses , " yousef mahmoudia , a psychologist at the hotel - dieu hospital , next to notre dame cathedral , told the newspaper journal du dimanche 3分之1的病患能马上恢复, 3分之1还会复发,其他的则变成精神病患,巴黎圣母院附近的神居医院心理医生玛穆迪亚向星期日报表示。 | | 8. | " a third of patients get better immediately , a third suffer relapses and the rest have psychoses , " yousef mahmoudia , a psychologist at the hotel - dieu hospital , next to notre dame cathedral , told the newspaper journal du dimanche 法国星期日报报道说,邻近巴黎圣母院的赫特尔戴依医院的心理医生yousef mahmoudia表示: “三分之一的病人立即康复了,还有三分之一的人旧病复发,剩下的患上了精神病。 ” | | 9. | Paris , famous for its museums , romantic cafes , ambitious leaders , and rococo style buildings , has been visited by millions of tourist each year . today , we will show you why people fall in love with paris by taking you to the world famous museum of louvre , arc de triomphe , champs elysees , place de la condorde , river seine , eiffel tower , notre dame cathedral , les invalides 参观世界最大的博物馆罗浮宫,宫内名画雕塑琳琅满目,价值连城,午后市区游览,沿途欣赏雄伟的凯旋门浪漫的香榭丽舍大道协和广场秀丽的赛纳河,游毕歌剧院艾菲尔铁塔后,参观著名的圣母院。 |
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